Moxie movie review

Dear Reader, how did I only know this was coming out four hours ago? How did that escape my notice?! The first book that made me mad, the first book that made me realise the world wasn't good enough yet. In complete honesty, I read this book because it was featured in the Zoella book club. And it was the first book cover I saw at the airport, in a mad rush to jump on a plane home. Anyway, I loved it, it was brilliant. And today I got to watch the film! From the get-go, I hated Viv and I loved her Mother. Which is weird because I remember loving Viv in the book and hating her Mother! In my defence, who couldn't love Amy Poehler? Better yet, who couldn’t love Regina George's mum? She was amazing, and I honestly wish there were a sequel, just about Amy's youth and her Moxie. Saying that, Viv did grow on me throughout the film. Over than my slight dislike for our heroin, this film was so damn feel good. I loved our girl gang, I loved how inclusive it was- much more inclusive than the book. Everyone had a clear character and was so brilliant in the story. Even though Mitchell was an evil demon from hell in this film, I remember him being even more hell-fire worthy in the book. I also thought they toned down the sexism that went on in the school in the film, it was even worse in the book, harassment was an everyday issue for all our characters. I believe this could have been represented more thoroughly in the film as toning down an issue never helps awareness. However! As a media student myself, I can very easily understand how the writers and producers behind the film may have wanted this to reach as many viewers as possible, and therefor kept details to a minimum, to keep that age rating certificate similarly young viewer rated. Then again, we got a steamy car scene did we not? Just something to think about. Now, let us discuss the love interest. Nico Hiraga, portraying Seth was brilliant. He was cute, smart, not an asshole ala, worthy of our interest. I saw his appeal, I did. Personally, 9- or 10-year-old me, fancied his absolute socks off in the book. But sweet Jesus, may we please stop praising men for respecting women like it’s a real difficult use of their brains and active voices? It’s like praising every white person who isn’t a racist. That basic choice MEN make to not be a cave man every day? Yeah, that’s called your morality, glad it’s finally ticking and clicking. Honestly, Seth being one of our only Allies, gave me such a huge sense of disappointment throughout the entirety of the film, I couldn’t even bring myself to enjoy his beautiful face or equally stella personality. What a shame. To end this review on a rather uplifting note, something I was deeply grateful for was the deeper inclusion of topics of sexism and sexualisation of and towards black women and women of colour. This was not so much included in the book and I was very happy that while the intolerable level of sexism was watered down for viewers, they discussed and challenged topics that have rarely been mentioned in similar girl power movies, such as Misbehaviour with Keira knightly. It’s important to look across the spectrum in our fights for equality and hear the voices of women who are only finally being allowed to express their own opinions and experiences of sexism as well as sexualisation. Which! (Also important to remember) can very easily be something any women, specifically white, can be guilty of and not just men. No, you are not allowed to touch her hair without consent. No, you can not be setting stereotypes in your head of black women being curvy with big butts and large breasts, and then being unsettled if they did not take that as a compliment. Check that male gaze and most importantly, check yourself. I was very happy to have those issues included in the movie and overall, I really enjoyed this film. Let me know your thoughts and if your interested in some more education on these topics, specifically sexism and sexualisation of POC, drop me an email. I have Instagram accounts and articles, ted talks, youtubers, podcasts and you know I got the books- let me hit you up. Until next time, X

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