Why you should read. (In the uncultured swine no more! A beginners guide to reading series)

Dear reader,

God that title is horrible. This is the 4th in a series that will help you pick up reading in this modern day. Today I'm going to give you the main reasons why you should read, I'm also going to talk to you about a really really amazing service that will help you slide into the ocean of books. Okay so, why you should read. Gosh, where do I start? 

Okay, I guess a good starting argument could be the statistics. Reading reduces stress, increases vocabulary, improves memory, makes you sleep better, improves conversation, increases brain capacity and makes you a better communicator and writer. 

It's also fun. You get to talk about the boys in the books with your friends or people online. You get to join fandoms. Make new friends. I met a girl the other week and she saw my Ask me about snowbaz* sticker on my laptop and Bam! New friend. It's also fun to do just because it's fun to do. You get to go on these awesome trips all around the world and other worlds from your bed. It's my favourite thing to do in the whole wide world. Keeping in mind I'm only 13 haha.

Your parents will love you. Okay, this is not guaranteed but most parents would be very very happy to see their kid with a book in their hands. It also makes school so much easier and when you have to read books for school, you'll be able to read them quicker and not have to worry about it as much.

Another reason that could be heavily argued with but is in my opinion absolute fact is reading makes you chic. I say the 5 main beauties of life is Love, Nature, Music, Literature and Art. If you fill your life with those things, you will be the coolest indie chick on the planet. I try and do it every day. Listen to Arctic Monkeys or play my electric guitar, express my love for my family and friends, admire the earth because she is sexy, look at beautiful things and read beautiful words. It makes me feel whole. It makes me feel like I'm really living. 

Now I am a really lucky girl because since the summer I decided books were my thing my family have supported that choice immensely. With countless trips to the book store and many amazon book-filled parcels. I even made a thing that I got my mum to sign that says 'I promise to always supply Issy ____ with reading material.' This lasted for about a year until I was old enough to earn money and spend it on my own books, CDs and shoes.

Some families are less supportive which is fine because I did it the expensive way. You could get your parent to get you a library card and a bus pass and Boom, your all set. Or if you want you can try out sribd. This is the best app in existence. For readers at least. Basically what it is is an app that stores everything from ebooks to audiobooks to magazines and more. They have a tone of current Ya stuff and are always updating. What's better, you get the first month free and then after that, it's like £9-£10 a month with is AMAZING. I am currently listening to PS: I still love you and am about to start Auror rising. I have over 140 of the thousands of books saved waiting to be read and I can't wait! I totally, totally recommend.

When you read, you pick up random knowledge that is useful in life and school. 

My last point is one you have definitely heard before. Reading is the worlds fastest getaway car. One second your in the crappy real world, you open a book and the walls of your room fall down to a parallel universe of fictional fities, No seriously though, if you ever need an escape crack open a book. It will be your closest friend.  

The link for your first month free on scribd is:


Love, Issy


*Snowbaz is a ship name for Simon Snow and Baz Grim-Pitch he main two charectors of Rainbow Rowells amazing book, Carry On. I have a review up if you wanna read more about it. 

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